6 Ways to Immerse Yourself in the Fix and Flip Business

She was upset.
My youngest daughter, Audrey, didn’t want to be the red fish in the school drama club performance of Seussical the Musical.
To her, the role was small and unimportant.
Audrey was in the 4th grade at the time. And fortunately, she didn’t get too discouraged about receiving such a brief appearance in the show.
As a matter of fact, the experience made her work that much harder.
The following year, her school chose to perform The Little Mermaid. Determined to earn a lead role, Audrey spent hours preparing for her audition. She was rewarded with the part of Flounder, Princess Ariel’s best friend.
This year, as a 6th grader, Audrey made up her mind that she was going to get cast as Alice in Alice in Wonderland.
She watched and studied the movie. She memorized the lines. Every morning and night prior to the audition, she practiced. Audrey immersed herself in the role of Alice.
And when the time came to try out, Audrey was prepared.
I’ll never forget picking her up from school the day they announced all the parts for the show. With a smile on her face, Audrey showed me the cover of her script. Written in bold red letters, it said ALICE.
Fix and Flip Immersion
Whether you plan to fix and flip a few houses a year to supplement your current income, or make fixing and flipping a full-time endeavor, to succeed you’ll need to immerse yourself in the business.
This immersion shouldn’t feel difficult or forced.
Like my daughter and her passion for the performing arts, the love for learning about real estate investing, and becoming successful at it, should come naturally to you.
So how do you immerse yourself in the fix and flip business?
Here are 6 tips:
Read - blogs like this one, websites, books, anything real estate related
Listen - real estate investment podcasts, audiobooks
Take classes - local title companies offer lots of free classes, you can also find webinars, local real estate investment clubs
Follow - our Facebook page, other investors on Twitter and Instagram, real estate reporters and newsmakers in your area
Make mental notes - whenever you hear something insightful, or see something inspiring, write it down or take a picture of it
Get your real estate license - lots of gurus say you don’t need a license to invest in real estate. This is true, but you do need MLS access to search comps. This access is limited to real estate licensees.
I Was the Red Fish
Audrey’s show, and her performance as Alice, was a big hit.
I couldn’t have been more proud. After the fourth and final run, I drove her home. She became very reflective, and told me that she wanted to share her story with her younger classmates in the production that didn’t get lead parts.
She said, “I want them to know that I was the red fish.”
If you’re new to real estate investing, and fixing and flipping houses, you’re a red fish too.
But, with practice, preparation and an immersive approach to learning, you’ll soon be ready to take the stage as a star fix and flip investor.