How to Find and Analyze Your Fix and Flip Deal
Keith sat at his desk across from me and drew four boxes on a blank piece of paper. This, he said, is how EVERY fix and flip business is...

How to Fix and Flip a House (Your Blueprint)
We have a saying... Fixing and flipping a house is simple, but it’s not easy. That’s because fixing and flipping a house is a process....

The 2 Reasons You’re Not Finding Profitable Fix and Flip Deals
It happens at least 2-3 times a week. A text message will appear on my iPhone. It’s from one of the handful of Realtors we work with in...

How To Present Your Fix and Flip Deal to Investors and Lenders
There is a word in the lexicon of real estate investing that really bothers me. This word is used freely, especially among those in the...

16 Reasons Fix and Flip Investors Need MLS Access
What if I told you that there was a database full of valuable real estate information that could earn you hundreds of thousands, and...

The 70% Rule and Why You Should Break it 100% of the Time
If you’ve spent much time studying the business of real estate investing, specifically fixing and flipping houses, then you’ve probably...

How to Know if You're a Wholesaler or Fix and Flip Investor
He was angry. And who could blame him? This man was going through a very stressful experience. Behind on his mortgage payment and facing...

Non-Permitted Work: A Fix and Flip Investor's Nightmare
My spider senses were tingling. Something didn’t feel right. It didn’t look right, either. The house, located just east of the Milwaukee...

5 Lessons Learned From a Bad Fix and Flip Deal
He was like an angel, hovering three stories above the ground. Okay, he wasn’t really hovering. This contractor, likely sent from Heaven,...

What Exactly is a Foreclosure (And How Do You Buy One)?
Did you know that the word “run” has 179 different meanings? The word “take”, according to, has 127. You can use these...