How to Find Money For Your Fix and Flip Deal
Are you worried about money? Is that what’s holding you back from fixing and flipping a house? You don’t have the cash, or credit, to...
How to Fix and Flip a House (Your Blueprint)
We have a saying... Fixing and flipping a house is simple, but it’s not easy. That’s because fixing and flipping a house is a process....
Do This One Thing Every Day to Become a Pro Fix and Flip Investor
It was an iconic movie moment. The wise instructor, with receding hair and a gray goatee, was about to teach his pupil an important...
How To Present Your Fix and Flip Deal to Investors and Lenders
There is a word in the lexicon of real estate investing that really bothers me. This word is used freely, especially among those in the...
Why You Must Have This Before You Start Fixing and Flipping Houses
They all looked so… Desperate. Tired too. As the speaker, slickly dressed in a dark blue suit and matching tie, addressed the half-full...